WearHealth Identity
Client: WearHealth
In order to enhance brand recognition, the project in question consists of developing a set of icons which would be used across print and digital platforms. Furthermore, due to the company’s participation in numerous events and presentations, it was important to create the proper guide to their product in a form of a leaflet which would be provided to their stakeholders and potential customers.
Style Establishment
Print Designer
Graphic Designer
It was important to analyse the competition and create unique symbols which would highlight the main company’s activities - AI, machine learning, IoT and smart wearables. Upon doing so, the proposals were presented to the company management and main partners. The necessary changes were implemented according to their feedback.
Final Design
The final result consists of thoroughly chosen iconography which is implemented in both - the leaflet and website. It was decided to go for a simple look with clear tech-inspired elements. It stands out by the simplicity of the product which provides the clearest explanation and serves as a visual support to the company’s presentations.